Publication and editing rules
Just publish selected papers.
Typographic Norms
Font: The font type will be Times New Roman 12, for the body of the text and the bibliography, and Times New Roman 10, for footnotes and quotes in separate paragraphs. Bold or underlining may not be used.
Alignment: justified.
Line spacing: line spacing will be 1,5 cm for the body of the text. Footnotes and quotations in a separate paragraph will be single spaced. No blank lines may be left between paragraphs, therefore the first line of every paragraph will be indented. This indentation will be done according to the specific option on the format menu or paragraph design . For this indentation, the space bar or the tab key may not be used. By default, the indentation of paragraphs will be 1,25 cm.
Footnotes: When the footnote refers to an entire sentence, it will be placed after the punctuation sign. However, if it only refers to a word, it will be placed immediately after this word. The number of the footnote will be without brackets.
Referencing system: The format of bibliographic references will follow the guidelines of the Harvard system. We include here some of these guidelines:
Bibliography: Bibliographic references will be placed in alphabetic order by the author’s surname at the end of the article. The text must be justified, single spaced and hanging indented. As a general rule, the author’s surname will be in small capitals. Work titles will be in italics, and inverted commas will be used for book chapters and articles:
Surname(s), Name, Work’s Title, (translator [trans.] if relevant) Publishing House, Place of Publication, Year.
Book chapters:
Surname(s), Name, «Chapter’s Title», in Editor’s Name and Surname(s) (ed.), Work’s Title, (translator [trad.], compiler [comp.], prologuist [prol.], etc., if relevant), volume in italics [if there is any], Publishing House, Place of Publication, Year, Pages (pp.).
Surname(s), Name, «Title of the article», Name of the Journal, number (no.), Date (in brackets), pages (pp.).
Conference Papers:
Surname(s), Name, «Title of the Paper», in Name and Surname(s) (ed.), Title of the Source Document, Publishing House, Place of Publication, Year, Pages (pp.).
Director’s Surname(s), Name (dir.): Title in the original language (Translated Title if a version in a different language is used), Film producer, Country, year.
TV series:
Creator’s Surname(s), Name (cr.): Title in the original language (Translated Title if a version in a different language is used), Film producer, Year of the first season – year of the last season (do not include the last date if the series is still being shot).
Online articles:
Surname(s), Name, « Title of the article», in Name of the Online Journal [if any], Year, available in <http://www…> [date on which the website was last accessed].
Just publish selected papers.
Typographic Norms
Font: The font type will be Times New Roman 12, for the body of the text and the bibliography, and Times New Roman 10, for footnotes and quotes in separate paragraphs. Bold or underlining may not be used.
Alignment: justified.
Line spacing: line spacing will be 1,5 cm for the body of the text. Footnotes and quotations in a separate paragraph will be single spaced. No blank lines may be left between paragraphs, therefore the first line of every paragraph will be indented. This indentation will be done according to the specific option on the format menu or paragraph design . For this indentation, the space bar or the tab key may not be used. By default, the indentation of paragraphs will be 1,25 cm.
Footnotes: When the footnote refers to an entire sentence, it will be placed after the punctuation sign. However, if it only refers to a word, it will be placed immediately after this word. The number of the footnote will be without brackets.
Referencing system: The format of bibliographic references will follow the guidelines of the Harvard system. We include here some of these guidelines:
- Every quote, direct or indirect, will reappear in the final bibliography.
- When some text is omitted at the start of a quote, this quote will start with three dots between square brackets: […].
- Quotations will be included with the following referencing system: (Surname, year: page/s). If the author’s name is quoted within the body of the text, next to this name only (Year: page/s) will be indicated.
- If no specific pages are quoted but the entire work by an author, the publishing year of that work will be indicated in brackets after the surname of this author.
- When websites in which no publishing date are quoted, the date of online access or the date of update of such web will be quoted; if the document does not have page numbers, no pages will be quoted.
- If multiple works published by the same author the same year are quoted, in order to distinguish these lower case letters will be added to the publishing year (a, b, c…).
- Quotes up to five lines of extension will be included within the body of the text in Latin inverted commas: « ».
- Quotes of more than five lines will go in a separate paragraph, font size 10 and single spacing. This paragraph will be indented 2 cm on the left side.
Bibliography: Bibliographic references will be placed in alphabetic order by the author’s surname at the end of the article. The text must be justified, single spaced and hanging indented. As a general rule, the author’s surname will be in small capitals. Work titles will be in italics, and inverted commas will be used for book chapters and articles:
Surname(s), Name, Work’s Title, (translator [trans.] if relevant) Publishing House, Place of Publication, Year.
Book chapters:
Surname(s), Name, «Chapter’s Title», in Editor’s Name and Surname(s) (ed.), Work’s Title, (translator [trad.], compiler [comp.], prologuist [prol.], etc., if relevant), volume in italics [if there is any], Publishing House, Place of Publication, Year, Pages (pp.).
Surname(s), Name, «Title of the article», Name of the Journal, number (no.), Date (in brackets), pages (pp.).
Conference Papers:
Surname(s), Name, «Title of the Paper», in Name and Surname(s) (ed.), Title of the Source Document, Publishing House, Place of Publication, Year, Pages (pp.).
Director’s Surname(s), Name (dir.): Title in the original language (Translated Title if a version in a different language is used), Film producer, Country, year.
TV series:
Creator’s Surname(s), Name (cr.): Title in the original language (Translated Title if a version in a different language is used), Film producer, Year of the first season – year of the last season (do not include the last date if the series is still being shot).
Online articles:
Surname(s), Name, « Title of the article», in Name of the Online Journal [if any], Year, available in <http://www…> [date on which the website was last accessed].